Flights from Antalya Airport AYT to Denizli Airport DNZ

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Flight Price FAQ - Antalya (AYT) to Denizli (DNZ)

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What is the cheapest flight one way from Antalya AYT to Denizli DNZ?
The cheapest flight one way from Antalya AYT to Denizli DNZ is £84.54 ($107 €100.13)
$107 | €100.13
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Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Useful Information about Antalya Airport

Antalya Airport Registers 9% Upsurge in Passenger Traffic for November 2023

Antalya Airport soared to new heights in November 2023, registering a remarkable 8.71% increase in passenger traffic compared to the same month in 2019.

Antalya Airport Enjoys Steady Recovery of 0.2% in Passenger Volumes for September 2023

Antalya Airport in Turkey is one such airport that has demonstrated resilience in its recovery, recording a 0.20% increase in passenger volumes for September 2023 compared to the same month in 2019.

Antalya Airport Passenger Traffic Soars by 10% in Q3 2023

Antalya Airport Reports Astounding 9.96% Passenger Traffic Increase in Q3 2023, Surpassing Pre-Pandemic Figures

Lounges at Antalya Airport

See all the airport lounges, locations and opening times available at Antalya Airport
