Flights from Antalya Airport AYT to Craiova Airport CRA

Travelling from Antalya to Craiova is not a very popular route. There is however one airliner offer flights which is FlyLili. The official airport code for Antalya is AYT and for Craiova it is CRA.

The cost of flights varies on the time and day you fly. If you know the dates you wish to travel then book you flights as soon as you can. The earlier you book your lights the cheaper they will be. You can get saving of up to 50% of you book 2 or 3 months in advance! We advise all our viewers to book well in advance. This way you will get the low priced tickets available.

The table below displays the numbers of daily flights from Antalya (AYT) to Craiova (CRA) and the relevant airlines that fly.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
FlyLili100100009:4510:50VIEW FLIGHTS

Most people choose to fly with FlyLili. They offer the largest number of flights so they have times which are most likely to suite you. The flights they offer will go by the flight numbers FL302 and FL806 with times between 09:45 and 10:50.

If you would like to find out more information on availably, flight times or if you would like to book your flight, you can visit FlyLili direct at

The flight time for the selected route vary based on the month you will travel, but below we has summarised the most common times they will fly. We recommend you only take these times as guidance and check with appropriate airline for the exact times for the date you depart.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
AirlineFlight  No
AirlineFlight  No

Over the past 10 years flight regulations have become very strict so we advise you to leave plenty of time to check in and get through customs.

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Flight Info FAQ - Antalya (AYT) to Craiova (CRA)

Who flies from Antalya to Craiova?
The following airlines fly from Antalya (AYT) to Craiova (CRA): FlyLili.
How far is the flight from Antalya to Craiova?
The flight from Antalya to Craiova is 1,022KM or 635 miles.
How long does the flight from Antalya to Craiova to take?
The flight from Antalya to Craiova takes 2 Hours 1 Minute.

Don't forget to book your hire car!

Search for the cheapest hire vehicle in Antalya

Useful Information about Antalya Airport

Antalya Airport Registers 9% Upsurge in Passenger Traffic for November 2023

Antalya Airport soared to new heights in November 2023, registering a remarkable 8.71% increase in passenger traffic compared to the same month in 2019.

Antalya Airport Enjoys Steady Recovery of 0.2% in Passenger Volumes for September 2023

Antalya Airport in Turkey is one such airport that has demonstrated resilience in its recovery, recording a 0.20% increase in passenger volumes for September 2023 compared to the same month in 2019.

Antalya Airport Passenger Traffic Soars by 10% in Q3 2023

Antalya Airport Reports Astounding 9.96% Passenger Traffic Increase in Q3 2023, Surpassing Pre-Pandemic Figures

Lounges at Antalya Airport

See all the airport lounges, locations and opening times available at Antalya Airport
